Image: Lauren Simeoni, Sunnyside wreaths (detail), 2017, recycled and found materials. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Join us for an evening of art, ideas, crafting and lots of fun with leading Adelaide contemporary jeweller Lauren Simeoni!
Starting with sharing her insider's insights into our current exhibition Island Welcome, which explores jewellery as a gesture of greeting, Lauren will guide you through experimenting with making jewellery using found objects, deconstructed sustainable materials and new simple ‘low-fi’ techniques.
No experience in jewellery-making required, just a keenness to create, share ideas and have fun!
We will supply some crafting tools, materials and safety glasses.
Please bring:
materials from home to share, which can include recycled materials e.g. clean bottle tops, plastics, foil, used wrapping papers and/or natural materials e.g. dry leaves, bark, seed pods
any favourite crafting hand tools you might have
sketchbook and drawing implements optional
safety glasses if you have a pair
Participants are required to wear closed-toe shoes.
Doors open at 5.45pm for a 6pm start
Duration: 2 hours
Age range: 18+
Price: $35 / $30 concession
Includes a complimentary glass of wine or non-alcoholic drink.
Please BYO extra drinks and/or snacks.
For more info and to book, click here.
The especially low price for this workshop was made possible with the support of Country Arts SA.