Lyn Wood, Still Life
Explore the key design elements of still-life drawing, including how to achieve interesting compositions that appear spontaneous, division of the picture plane, the potency of light, and how various objects can have different meanings, with artist Lyn Wood. This workshop is great for beginners with a keen curiosity and interest in learning to draw or those wishing to brush up on their technical drawing skills.
What to bring:
2-3 objects to contribute to a still-life set up
your mobile phone or camera (to take photo of your still-life set up, so you can continue your drawing at home if needed)
your own drawing materials if you have some
your own lunch if needed (afternoon tea provided)
Duration: 3.5 hours
Age range: 18+
Maximum 13 participants
$35 per person
$30 concession
includes all materials and use of equipment
Afternoon tea provided
Bookings are essential
P: 08 8539 1420